Just Kids - Humanity House
21 February 2017

Just Kids

Every child has the right to a happy life. This is written in The Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Unfortunately this does not always work out that way.

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which is signed by almost all countries, states that every child has the right to a happy life. In practice however this does not always work out that way. The documentaries of Just Kids tell about some of the things that can get in the way of this fundamental right. 

The documentaries are personal stories of children and teenagers from all over the world. They show us how they handle the small and bigger challenges that they face every day. It talks about friendship, safety and education but also about more concrete subjects like the football world championship or the war in Syria.

You can watch the new episodes every Sunday at 17.25 on the Dutch tv channel ZAPP. Moreover you can wat episodes at the website of Just Kids.


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