New app shows war through the eyes of a child - Humanity House
14 March 2018

New app shows war through the eyes of a child

To make people more aware of the horrific consequences of war, a new app has been launched: Enter the room. Through augmented reality you see the trauma of war through the eyes of a child.


The free app sucks you into a story that’s being told through the eyes of a child. You step into a room full of light and life. But as time passes, the room transforms into a space where suffering and sadness is almost sensible. Slowly the brutal impact of years of fighting gets clear.

Worldwide over 65 million people are fleeing conflict today. 75 percent of whom live in cities, where today’s battles are increasingly being waged.

Trailer Enter The Room

This is the first time 'AR' has been used to tell the story of the impact of urban conflict

“While Pokemon Go and Snapchat have already introduced the world to augmented reality, this is the first time AR has been used to tell the story of the impact of urban conflict,” said Charlotte Lindsey-Curtet from ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross). “With augmented reality, we can create immersive experiences that showcase the humanitarian situation in a new and deeply moving way.”

The app is free to download from the Apple App Store.

  • Enter The Room - Humanity House
  • Enter The Room - Humanity House
  • Enter The Room - Humanity House
  • Enter The Room - Humanity House

Source: ICRC


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